• Westbound

    The geographic position of Greece, at the south- eastern edge of Europe, right above North Africa and surrounded by the Mediterranean, makes it a natural gateway to Europe for people that try to cross over from a number of different countries in search of a better future. Other European countries describe Greece as "the gate of illegal immigration to Europe".

    According to the Ministry of Citizen Protection, the number of immigrants that have crossed into Greece has reached the number of 128.000 in 2010. Most of them enter through the border of Evros, in northern Greece, and also from the islands opposite Turkey.

    The Greek State claims that the number of immigrants entering the country is no longer sustainable and that the problems caused by overpopulation, especially in urban centers such as Athens, where many immigrants settle, need to be addressed. For these reasons, the Greek State has announced its intention to build a fence across the border of Evros which, along with the presence of FRONTEX border security, will allegedly prevent great numbers of immigrants from entering the country.

    While European legislation for the identification of the State responsible for the applications of those who seek asylum has become tighter since the implementation of the Dublin II regulation, the humane treatment of people that have often suffered the ordeal of deracination is becoming an ever-growing challenge for Greece and immigrants alike.